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Alesie Foods is the global food commodity trade and production division of The Alesie Group. Through our access to all markets of the world, we are confident in our ability to supply and facilitate trade worldwide.
The Alesie Group of Companies consists of a network of food processing operations in the Caribbean, South and Latin America, and Far East Asia. This "Network" concept makes it possible for Alesie to offer the most competitive prices, and deliver goods anywhere on earth. The "LOME-Agreement" allowed Alesie Foods to become a major player in the Caribbean and European markets, this agreement made it possible for A.C.P. countries to export to Europe at preferential levies. Established by The Alesie Group, "The O.C.T. Agreement" with the European Community boosted the rice industry to new levels of success in both the Caribbean and Europe.
Today, Alesie Foods has expanded its market to include all continents on earth through our trade and commerce office, Alesie Food Holland (AFH), in the Netherlands. With 4 generation of experience and knowledge in global trade as a source supplier, processor, and trader of food products, Alesie Foods will continue to revolutionize food industries in the world.
Alesie Foods works with a great degree of flexibility, coordinating and supervising all of the logistics and sourcing activities. From bulk loading to fully developed branded products ready for shelves. We work together with internationally recognized inspection agencies to provide quality and peace of mind to our clients.
Alesie Foods has evolved over the years and diversified its sources and product lines to include everything from rice, to milk, to sugar, oil, etc. Based on our position as a market innovator, the future offers great opportunities. Alesie Foods will continue to work together with other market innovators to further expand its product lines and services to ensure that the name Alesie will continue to be synonymous with the word "quality and innovation".
Alesie Surinaamse Rice
Approximately 80% of Surinam is covered by dense tropical rainforest. These tropical rainforest house an abundance of flora and fauna. The larger part of the Surinamese population is descended from immigrants who came from three different continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe. Suriname's official language is Dutch, but a general dialect known as Surinamese (Sranang Tongo) is frequently spoken. In Surinamese the word Alesie means Rice! The Alesie Group of Companies processes her rice with the utmost care at the direct source in Surinam. Surinam rice is well known for the excellent cooking performance and the fact that is the world's longest rice available.
Alesie Basmati Rice
Alesie basmati rice can't be grown under artificial stimulated conditions. It draws its unique aroma and taste from the special soil and climatic conditions found only in the foothills of the Himalayan Mountains in India and Pakistan. Melting Himalayan snow ensures a constant supply of water and nourishment. Basmati retains all that nature gave it, which is its distinct flavor and aroma. Alesie Basmati rice is one of the worlds most expensive rice, this with good reason taste it and believe it.
Product of India.
Alesie Fit-Rice
Fit-Rice is an Alesie Rice exclusive product.
No need to stop eating your rice, to stay in shape!
Through the R&D division of the Alesie Group, Indecon N.V., Alesie Rice has developed the worlds first rice for weight watchers and diabetics. Through proprietary innovative processing techniques, Alesie Fit-Rice has a significantly lower Glycemic Index then most other grains. Non-GMO, 100% Organic cultivation, and Diabetics Approved!
Alesie Rice Oil
Alesie Rice Oil is the most balanced and versatile oil on the market today thanks to its richness in antioxidants. Rice bran oil is superior for salads, deep-frying, stir-frying and regular cooking. The high smoking point makes the oil more stable at higher temperatures. The light stickiness of the oil makes it so that not much of the oil is absorbed in the ingredients, which caused less calories to be absorbed. Rice bran oil is fit for a cholesterol lowering diet, has many nutrients and contains many natural antioxidants.